New Hampshire Library Trustees Association
Contact the New Hampshire Library Trustees Association


Logo of Libraries Transform, an advocacy iniative of of the ALA (American Library Association)
An initiative of the American Library Association

Libraries are a smart investment, transforming lives and communities and passionately advocating for lifelong learning. Libraries Transform, the ALA’s public awareness campaign, is spreading the word about the impact that libraries make every day. MORE >   

Institute of Museum and Library Services

What is the IMLS?
The Institute of Museum and Library Services published a short history on their 20th anniversary in 2016.

MISSION: The mission of IMLS is to advance, support, and empower America’s museums, libraries, and related organizations through grantmaking, research, and policy development.

VISION: A nation where museums and libraries work together to transform the lives of individuals and communities.

STRATEGIC PLAN 2022-2026Museums and libraries across America are central to the communities they serve. From the northernmost reaches of Alaska to the southern coasts of Florida, libraries and museums weave together the communities that form the vibrant fabric of American society.

Why is IMLS important?
LINK to the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Grants-to-States page. New Hampshire's InterLibraryLoan (ILL) service is partially funded by an IMLS/LSTA grant.

Rural Libraries Take on Growing Role as Agents of Inclusion and Change

“Libraries are changing to do our best to fit our community instead of making the community fit us.”   CONTINUE READING >


ALA Declaration for the Right to Libraries  PDF Document and PDF Poster 

American Library Association's Advocacy (ALA) section:

Calculate the Value of Your Library

Civics 101 NH: NHPR Podcast

How to Find Your Legislator:

How to Contact Your Representative
You can contact representatives by email, fax, phone or letter at the contacts below.

     Chris Pappas (1st District) 
     Maggie Goodlander (2nd District)
     Jeanne Shaheen  
     Maggie Hassan

Library 2.0 The Future of Libraries in the Digital World

NHLA (NH Librarians Association) Advocacy Homepage

NHLTA Legislative Advocacy Guide: a handbook of information and tips on the process of establishing advocacy positions. NHLTA Legislative Advocacy Guide

NHMA (NH Municipal Association) Legislative Bulletin

NH State Government Website

NH Supreme Court decision re: librarian is employee of Library, not the Town Littleton vs Taylor

The Small But Powerful Guide to Winning Big Support for Your Rural Library

Tracking Legislation

Grass Roots Advocacy in Action!

Not your Grandmother’s Library Any Longer
Read about the current trend in libraries as they move to re-identify themselves in the twenty-first century. The shift is on from a repository of books to a repository of assets. You can now checkout musical instruments, telescopes for star gazing, binoculars and bird-watching handbooks. Read more on Marketplace on Minnesota Public Radio.

Peterborough Library at the Polls
The Peterborough Town Library set up informational tables at the polls. The goal of the project was to increase visibility of library programs and services, as well as sign up residents for library cards. Director Corinne Chronopoulos said "We signed up 23 residents for library cards and had plenty of conversations about services and programs."
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Howe Library, Hanover annual Letter to the Editor
Every year Library Director Mary White writes a letter to the editor of the local newspaper. Reach out to your community using this easy effective method and advocate for YOUR library. Our thanks to Library Director Mary White for sharing her suggestions and letter.