The New Hampshire Library Trustees Association (NHLTA) assists trustees to be knowledgeable and effective in order to serve, improve and promote New Hampshire public libraries. Statement PDF.
The New Hampshire Library Trustees Association strives to be the acknowledged resource for all public library trustees.
Founded in 1957, the New Hampshire Library Trustees Association is an independent nonprofit organization registered with the NH Division of Charitable Trusts. The NHLTA has no affiliation with the state library, nor does it receive any state or federal funding. The activities of the Board are funded from membership dues, registration fees, and grants.
The volunteer NHLTA Board shall consist of the officers (4), a past president, and not more than ten (10) other Directors. Standing committees are: Executive, Governance, Finance, Education, Communications, Legislative, and a Technology Advisory Group.
The NHLTA’s goals and objectives are to develop a more effective body of public library trustees by providing educational opportunities to assist in understanding the responsibilities and duties of the position; to offer a forum for the exchange of information and ideas; provide current information about library developments; and to advocate for and promote public library services in New Hampshire.
The NHLTA provides the following resources:
Annual Conference
Orientation workshops
Topic specific workshops on duties, responsibilities, RSAs
Regional networking gatherings
Trustee Manual
Trustee 101 package
Quarterly Newsletter
Website: containing resources and current information on programs and news
" Armed with knowledge, Library Trustees are a formidable force."