New Hampshire Library Trustees Association
Contact the New Hampshire Library Trustees Association


RSA 202-A Public Libraries
The main body of New Hampshire law relating to Public Libraries is contained in RSA 202-A. Here are some pointers both to the complete set of RSAs as well as to RSA 202-A.

NH RSAs Complete Table of Contents (including Title XVI Libraries)

NH RSAs Title XVI Libraries (including 202-A Public Libraries)
NH RSA 202-A Public Libraries  (searchable in PDF format)  
Other Relevant RSAs and Related Sources
Case Law: 1994 Littleton vs Taylor
Key points of the decision:
1. The librarian is an employee of the library, not the town.
2. The library is a separate and distinct entity from the town.
3. The library board of trustees appoints the librarian, determines her salary, and is vested with the management and control of the library.
New Hampshire Library Laws as compiled by the NH State Library (NHSL)
NH RSAs 41,42,91,201,and 669
NH RSAs Title VI, Chapter 91-A, "Right to Know"; Access to Governmental Records & Meetings

NH Attorney General's Memorandum on the Right To Know Law revised March 2024

Information on Right-to-Know law including Nonpublic Session Checklist and Minutes Form on the NH Municipal Association (NHMA) website
Meeting Minutes TEMPLATE Non-public session

NH RSA 91-A Section II "... The names of the members who made or seconded each motion shall be recorded in the minutes..." Change effective January 1, 2019
NH RSAs Title III, Chapter 32, Municipal Budget Law 

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