The approved minutes of the monthly meetings of the Board of Directors are available for you to read. We hope that the minutes will provide insight into the work that the directors do to achieve the mission of the NHLTA and will help you have a better sense of belonging to the association.
The Board of Directors generally meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 10:30 a.m. at the NH Municipal Association (NHMA), 25 Triangle Park Drive, Concord. Association members are welcomed. If you plan to attend a meeting, please contact Marcia McLaughlin.
05-01-2024 NHLTA virtual mtg minutes
04-03-2024 NHLTA virtual mtg minutes
03-06-2024 NHLTA virtual mtg minutes
02-07-2024 NHLTA virtual mtg minutes
01-03-2024 NHLTA virtual mtg minutes
To view minutes of meetings from prior years, visit our Minutes Archive page here...