New Hampshire Library Trustees Association
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Additional materials are available on the general RESOURCES page. 

2024 NHLTA Conference


New Landscapes: How Libraries Will Find Their Way in The Age of AI (Nick Tanzi)


RSAs & Hot Legal Topics (Natch Greyes)

Communicating Library Value in a Digital Era (Nick Tanzi)

Requests for Reconsideration Basics (Mindy Atwood, Jen McCormack and Lea McBain)

Fundraising for Library Expansion & Construction (Jeanne Palleiko)

Getting Your Legal Ducks in a Row: Best Practices for Management of Your Library Director (Anna Cole and Hannah Devoe)

Preparing for Challenging Conversations (Melinda Gehris and Greg Eaton)

      Communicating Through Conflict Presentation Slides

      Communicating Through Conflict Handout

      Constructive Conversations Prep Chart Handout

      Constructive Conversations Preparation Questions Handout

      Constructive Conversations The Trouble with Snow Handout

      Constructive Conversations The Fire Model Handout

Legislative Tracking and Policy Advocacy (Brodie Deshaies)

Technology for Today's Libraries: What Trustees Need to Know (Mark Glisson)

THE RIGHT STUFF: Defining the Role of Your Library Director and Ensuring a Successful Search (Debra Caplan, Rosemary D'Arcy and Brittany Durgin)

      The Right Stuff Presentation Slides

      The Right Stuff Questions for Checking References Handout

      The Right Stuff Director Resources Handout

The 22nd Century Library: Embracing Heritage While Planning for the Next Hundred Years (Josh Lacasse and Liz Nguyen)

Meeting Minutes Madness, Non-Public Sessions, and Other Thorny Right-to-Know Issues (Cordell Johnston)